Your bird problem could be costing you more than you think!
Dorian Drake’s Hardware, Lawn & Garden Group is the sales and marketing representative of the Bird Barrier brand of bird control solutions in its markets.
Every year, birds cause millions of dollars of damage to corporate and professional buildings, small businesses, boats and homes. However, that represents only a small portion of the overall cost of a bird problem. In addition to all that property damage, there are serious health hazards posed by bird droppings, mite-infested nesting sites and dead birds.
Bird Barrier is the leading provider of private and commercial bird control solutions, offering the most innovative and cost-efficient bird control products available in today’s market. From nesting sites to roosting areas, Bird Barrier’s products can be tailored to suit the needs of any business, boat or home.
Bird Barrier offers a complete line of bird control methods ideal for exterior applications as well as solutions designed to battle pest problems that occur from birds in warehouse and semi-enclosed storage areas.
Bird Barrier’s humane bird control solutions include a variety of products that are easy to install including do-it-yourself kits ideal for homeowners and boat owners. For those who prefer professional installation, an installer can be recommended in your area that can sanitize and install your products ensuring the effectiveness of your chosen solution.
Environmental groups, healthcare agencies and even OSHA have recognized the significant health risks pest birds can pose. Companies and homeowners that don’t have effective bird control solutions in place are assuming unnecessary and potentially costly risks. The best solution: Keep birds and bird damage in check by installing effective bird control systems by Bird Barrier.
Pest birds can be noisy, smelly, unsightly, destructive and even dangerous to your health. No matter what type of bird control problem you’re having, Bird Barrier has the solution.
Manufacturer Products/ Equipment
Line of Bird Control Products
The strongest, most versatile bird exclusion system. StealthNet denies a bird’s access to any architecture.
Daddi Long Legs:
Unique design deters gulls, pigeons, and other large birds, from landing.
A spring-tensioned wire system designed to create an unstable landing area.
Bird-Off Gel:
A Polybutene-free, clear gel that effectively deters birds (by taste and scent) from most landing surfaces.
Designed to exclude multiple species from buildings. Birds and bats fly out and can’t re-enter.
The industry standard. Durable stainless steel spikes in Lexan base. Perfect for Pigeons or larger pest birds.
Economical bird spike made from 100% Stainless Steel. Perfect for Pigeons or larger pest birds.
Solar Panel Exclusion:
Innovative system designed specifically to keep all birds from getting under solar arrays, protecting the roofs and equipment.
Fly Away Laser:
Flush birds out of trees and crops. It can also be used to chase birds out of structures or from rooftops.
Pest Barrier:
Bringing green, innovative, revolutionary solutions to the pest management industry. Not just for bird control! Pest control solutions for Termites, rodents, insects, bed bugs, and more.
Quality & Performance
Every product Bird Barrier offers is long-lasting and features the finest stainless steel and UV-stabilized plastic to ensure years of use. Bird Barrier’s products have been specifically designed to be both pleasing to the eye and effective in deterring birds from roosting, nesting and gathering.
Bird Barrier offers business owners, homeowners and boat owners the widest variety of effective bird deterrent products on the web, from simple-to-apply products ideal for small areas that can be easily accessed to more comprehensive bird deterrent solutions ideal for larger buildings, inaccessible areas and major pest problems.
Bird Barrier’s comprehensive line of bird deterrent products feature solutions scaled to suit any application or pest problem, including specially designed bird deterrents for buildings and others ideally designed to serve as bird deterrent for boats. Many products are suitable for a range of applications and many can be easily applied by handy do-it-yourself types. For those requiring professional installation, an expert installer can be recommended in your area.

For more information, speak to a Bird Barrier authorized representative from Dorian Drake International. For additional information contact us.
Manufacturer Website: