“BCE Foodservice Equipment is the leading supplier of catering equipment and related items within Africa and was established over 30 years ago. In this time, we have managed to secure some of the worlds most lucrative brands and established partnerships with world leading partners.
Dorian Drake is no exception to this. They have been a pivotal and indispensable partner to us over the years. The support and guidance offered on the Hamilton Beach Range have made this brand one of the most recognized and trusted within the Southern African market.
Much of the success of any relationship is based on mutual respect, recognition and understanding of each other. In our years together the professionalism from Dorian Drake has been evident with everyone we have had the pleasure to interact with. Their continued commitment and investment in annual visits to our region is commended. These visits not only offer us a skilled resource to gather information from, it also allows us to gain insights into global trends, success stories and relevant promotional ideas and grids. However, the day to day interactions are of equal value and hold no limitations even in the face of differing time zones.
Our regional victories have only been achieved in part through the relevant and accurate information that is shared with us by this dynamic team. Further to that is the constant and open communication on areas that make a brand equally successful such as the administration aspects relating to shipping, certification and ensuring we receive the most favorable pricing.
Our relationship with Dorian Drake has been both rewarding and enlightening for our organization. Long may it continue!”
Justin Morby-Smith, Managing Director
BCE Foodservice Equipment
South Africa
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