



美国及其盟国的反应是迅速而深远的。美国、欧盟和其他国家实施了广泛的制裁,禁止向俄罗斯出售某些产品和服务,并对俄罗斯银行和国际 SWIFT 系统施加了金融限制,使得与俄罗斯的出易更难获得报酬。美国财政部外国资产控制办公室OFAC宣布,与俄罗斯实体和个人的商业活动范围不断扩大。自2月下旬入侵开始以来,俄罗斯卢布已经失去了大部分价值。UPS、联邦快递和几家主要的轮船航线Map of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. 已经停止向俄罗斯发货,大多数保险公司不再为运往俄罗斯的货物投保,越来越多的西方公司已经停止了在那里的业务活动。美国上周切断了对俄罗斯石油和天然气的购买,美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)的政府周五宣布,美国与G7国家和欧盟一起,正在游说剥夺俄罗斯在世界贸易组织内的"最惠国待遇"地位。 俄罗斯平等进入所有世贸组织成员的市场,并保证平等的关税。

作为全球出口商,多里安·德雷克(Dorian Drake)也感受到了这种影响。




9/11之后, 世界报法国领先的日报,有一句名言:"我们都是美国人。今天我们说,"我们都是乌克兰人。

教育署多利安人 Jr。
三月 2022

5 思考"一位CEO对俄罗斯入侵乌克兰的看法

  1. 伊玛目桑托萨


    I’ve read your thought on this “horror” scene according to your perspective.
    But in the end I think your humanity still need to learn more in order to be able to embrace the truth in common logic.
    If you are the second legacy of Great H. Dorian and could recall your memories well, news about Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Palestine should have in newspaper and television during your teenage and growing up as a Keepers in Dorian’s throne.
    They are and always a sovereign nation, too.
    When do you think we should campaign:
    We are Iraq
    We are Palestine
    We are Syria
    We are Afghanistan
    We agree we are not talking about religion and race on this. Just humanity as it has the words HUMAN.
    Hope to see your thought on this again in your bulletin news.
    Best regards, Imam Santosa.

    1. 教育署多利安人 Jr。

      Dear Imam,

      Thank you for thoughtful and no doubt heart-felt comments. Nothing written in our post was meant to suggest that U.S. foreign policy is immune to criticism. The U.S. is guilty of its share of missteps and missed opportunities, particularly in the Middle East. The central point of our post was to convey our solidarity with the Ukrainian people. On this point, I believe Ed Dorian Sr. would have agreed.


  2. Rashid Bahar

    Very well said. However, I still think the world can do more in terms of a military intervention. It is like letting a school yard bully get away with beating up someone and no one jumping in because of fear. I realize that Russia has nuclear weapons, but we need to do something. I am sure the world can get together and find some way to jump in with military might to defend the Ukrainians. I am afraid if we do not, it will set a bad precedent for other countries around the world e.g. if you have a nuclear weapons, you can get away with murder.

    1. 伊玛目桑托萨

      Dear Rashad,

      So it is safe and ok to breach to your neighbors house with your excuse and prejudice that your neighbor you thought has the weapon mass destruction ? But in the end you found nothing and just walk by and said sorry??
      If you’re ok with that I’d be glad if you to be my neighbor and search your house 🙂
      Let make some point here Rashad.
      We agree that sovereignty of a nation is absolute right. But please don’t have double standard on who should have the privilege for this war. Every country should live in peace and not make their neighbors in fear.

  3. 教育署多利安人 Jr。

    Dear Rashid,

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this troubling topic. The many nations supporting Ukraine face a difficult dilemma: How best to support Ukraine without igniting World War III. There is no easy answer.
